Sweet Reunion

Meet Steven and Toni, once again.  Back in April, we met them at Lake Dot.  They are both vets, recently married, and living at the Salvation Army.  Meeting them today was bittersweet, knowing that they were still having hard times. However, they are both believers, endeavoring to get their lives in order and God is all powerful.  He will undoubtedly watch over these two precious people.  We love them!!!

“And if you give yourself to the hungry,

And satisfy the desire of the afflicted,

Then your light will rise in darkness,
And your gloom will bec
ome like midday.”

Isaiah 58:10 

Pillow Recipients

Homeless People of Orlando, Florida


Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida


Orange County Correctional Facility


Friends and Families in need


Heart 2 Heart – Women’s Residential Seminole County

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© The Pillow Project