Homebound to Atlanta, Georgia - June 26, 2018

Oh sweet Lynne...we have known her since the beginning.  She used to hold the food signs with George at the convenience store across the streeet from Young's Market.  Today we found her sitting in a field all by herself, and rather distraught.  She said she wanted to go home to Atlanta.  So, we set about to make that happen.  


We took her to Westbrook where we store our items for the homeless and found her new clothes, shoes, and some toiletries to clean up with.  We sent her off into the bathroom to clean up and she came out looking much more presentable for a bus ride.


Next we made our way to the bus station where we purchased her a ticket to Atlanta and let her make a phone call so someone would know she was coming.  She tried to call her pastor at Salem Baptist Church in McDonough, GA., although she was only able to leave a message.  


Once her ticket was purchased and she had made her phone call, we gave her $20 for lunch and let her go through security.  

The question for us now is "Where is Lynne?" After seeing her off and on for the past four years, we will never run into her again.  But even though we are not sure where she is at, we can rest confident that she is in the hands of a loving God, as He has given her a ride back home. 

“And if you give yourself to the hungry,

And satisfy the desire of the afflicted,

Then your light will rise in darkness,
And your gloom will bec
ome like midday.”

Isaiah 58:10 

Pillow Recipients

Homeless People of Orlando, Florida


Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida


Orange County Correctional Facility


Friends and Families in need


Heart 2 Heart – Women’s Residential Seminole County

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