Angels Rejoicing

Today was monumental for the Pillow Project...our team led 3 people to the Lord!  Their names were Connie, Gary, and Jerry.  Words from our team member, Sandy, are the perfect words for what happened and so I share them with you...


What a day! 

I believe our faith has grown today. 
God showed us today several things I think you will agree.
  • We need not be super evangelist, have a degree in counseling, or be qualified to help with those with addictions.
  • We only need to be an available vessel for God to use and let God do what only He can do.
  • He does want us out there so He can change lives.
  • We are totally dependent on Him.
C.S. Lewis --"The enemy will not see them vanish into God's company without an effort to reclaim them."
Serving together,

Jerry led Jerry to the Lord.  We had never seen Jerry before; don't know if we will ever see him again.  But he now has an assurance that if he died today, he would be with Jesus.  In the foreground, you can see Lee once again.  Despite our previous efforts to help him get off the streets, he continues to follow the path of the streets. God never gives up on him, and neither do we.  The addiction to alcohol is a powerful force and only God can heal him from his alcoholism.  We will keep praying for him.  

We are praising God today for the affirmation He has given us in this ministry!


Barbara King

The people we ministered to today were:

Connie, Gary, Lee, Jerry, Dana, Mary, Brian, & Annette

“And if you give yourself to the hungry,

And satisfy the desire of the afflicted,

Then your light will rise in darkness,
And your gloom will bec
ome like midday.”

Isaiah 58:10 

Pillow Recipients

Homeless People of Orlando, Florida


Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida


Orange County Correctional Facility


Friends and Families in need


Heart 2 Heart – Women’s Residential Seminole County

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© The Pillow Project